PermaShield Duct General Information Brochure
Corrosive Fume Exhaust Duct General Info Brochure
Statement of Qualification
PermaShield statement of qualifications and general specifications
(Rev. Jan 2023)
Technical Bulletin
PermaShield fluoropolymer barrier coating technical bulletin.
(Rev. May 2016)
Vent Duct Best Practices
Applying best vent ducting practices from the semiconductor industry to pharma facilities
(Rev. May 2016)
High Value Heavy Duty Damper
Cost-effective PermaShield high value heavy duty damper
(Rev. Sep 2024)
Assembly Guide
Installation and assembly guide for PermaShield fume exhaust duct systems
(Rev. Dec 2024)
Round Duct (Imperial Units)
For customers inside North America
Excel format, .zip file, 3.9 mb
(Rev. Sep 2024)
Rectangular Duct (Imperial Units)
For customers inside North America
Excel format, .zip file, 1.6 mb
(Rev. Jan 2023)
Round Duct (Metric Units)
For customers outside North America
Excel format, .zip file, 4 mb
(Rev. Sep 2024)
Rectangular Duct (Metric Units)
For customers outside North America
Excel format, .zip file, 2.2 mb
(Rev. Jun 2024)