Hinkley Point C Skyline

Design and Engineering for Nuclear Facilities

Exentec Hargreaves is based in the UK, with dedicated design and engineering capability. We are involved from the concept design stage of major nuclear projects to deliver safety critical systems like no other business:


  • Digital Engineering and Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Traditional design and CAD
  • Whole life nuclear engineering
Manufacturing for the Energy sector

Manufacturing for Nuclear Energy Projects

Our manufacturing facility is one of the biggest of its kind in the UK and across our sector. We can tackle large volume HVAC production for nuclear energy projects, as well as bespoke off site modular manufacture:


  • Off-site manufacture and DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly)
  • High Integrity HVAC systems
  • Seismically qualified ductwork
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station

Installation and Commissioning on Nuclear Sites

Exentec Hargreaves has been involved in every nuclear energy project in the UK over more than 70 years. This includes the Hinkley Point and Sizewell facilities, as well as our longstanding relationship with Sellafield:


  • Dedicated nuclear site installation teams
  • Excellent quality and nuclear safety records
  • Paperless working and virtual site inspections


One of our most globally significant projects was the creation of the Safe Confinement Arch at Chernobyl. We were part of a multinational effort to protect the remains of reactor 4 over more than a century.